Dr. Sanjeev Srivastava
17 Years Experience
Neuro Surgery
He presently works as a Consultant in Department of Neurosurgery at Artemis Agrim Institute of Neurosciences. He works with a dedicated team doing almost all complex Cranial and Spinal cases (clientele includes a significant number of international patients as well. Dr Srivastava has deep interest in Stereotactic, Functional Neurosurgery and Neuromodulation. He is pursuing his interest and already making sincere efforts in that direction. Deep Brain Stimulation, Epilepsy Surgery, Minimially Invasive and Complex Spine Surgery, Intrathecal pumps, and Stereotactic Radiosurgery are being regularly done by his team. He has personally done 2 cases of Spinal Cord Stimulation independently. He wishes to develop a dedicated centre for Neuromodualation as a subunit and help in establishing it as a subspecialty in Neurosurgery.